Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hello world.

This is my blog. Or, "TIMB". Getting technical, the title should be "This is my Blog, or TimB". But I digress.

Who am I? I'm just some high school kid who thinks too much. For the purposes of expressing my thoughts and my rantings, my name, race, age, appearance, IQ, and/or favorite brand of milk are irrelevant. (For now, at least. Perhaps later, they shall be involved in some ranting or raging of some sort.)

I throw conformity to the wind, for the most part. Which is great, because by being a total nonconformist, I simply become one of many people who don't conform. Oh, but I only am a nonconformist to a certain degree. I am unique, hooray! What all people strive for~!

Who is to tell me how often to blog, when to do it, how many times a day? Nobodyyyy. Once a week, once a year, five times a day, once a day? It doesn't really matter. I'll blog when I feel like it, my thoughts organizing in some strange and disorganized way on my monitor. Ooh, oxymoron.

And so I conclude this quaint introduction. To you the reader...

Think hard,