Thursday, December 31, 2009

The end is also the beginning!

There's approximately an hour left of my 2009, and so it's time for an update.

So maybe my turning point wasn't at the beginning of 2009. It was in the summer of '09, but that change wouldn't have happened if not for my bad choices in the first parts. 2009 was a year of friendship, a year of thought... It was a year of struggles, and a year of determination. Most importantly, 2009 was a year of revelation and change.

In 2009, I figured out what really matters to me-- My friends, being with them, and making them laugh. I wouldn't have people to stand by me, or for me to stand by, if I didn't have my friends. You're all very special to me, my friends. I've had too many good times with all of you to even list them. You know who you are. I've finally become the man I've needed to be, and I'm ready for what life's got to give me. If life gives me lemons, I'll make lemonade. If life gives me pears, I'll punch it in the face for giving me the wrong fruit, smile, and run off. That's how it goes, you know?

Goodbye, 2009. Fond memories will be cherished, and hard memories will be learned from.
Welcome, 2010. Here's to more fond memories with my dear friends, growing, maturing and learning as we continue our journey in life. Here's to enduring more hard times so that we can learn from them. We're one year to the start of 2011. Let's all work hard!

Here's to us!
Kevin Seul, TheThinker

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stopping Time

Lately I've been feeling kinda stressed, kinda spacey... I sit with this blank look on my face a lot of the time. I'm stressing about things, but I'm not completely sure what things. Maybe it's that guy trying to creep on my daughter. Or maybe it's just Avalon being a little drama-filled shit-hole. Or maybe it's my own fault somehow. I'm falling behind a little bit in my math work, and I have absolutely no clue what's going on in Geography... But I can catch up, in math, anyway. Lately I knock out only an hour or two after I get home. I guess I'm worn out...

I just wish I could freeze time, and stop everything but myself. Stop it right at a certain point, and catch up on sleep while everything else stands motionless around me. I'd wake up, relax for a while, draw insane amounts of stuff, de-stress myself... I'd probably find that guy who's creeping on Villai and punch him in the face a good fifty times while he's frozen. Then I'd get everything I need done and I'd do it. Maybe that would do me some good... Too bad I don't have any clue how one is supposed to simply stop time. A damn shame, I say...

Anyway, from a more realistic angle, I probably need to just shut the fuck up and get my shit in gear, you know... Can't let myself slip or I'll never get back up. On a final note, I can't believe they gave me my ID and screwed it up to say "Grade: 10". Douchebags.

Stressing out,
The Thinker

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tonight I Sit Here.

I wrote this last night at my desk, thinking back on things.

Tonight I sit here. I sit and look to the past, so I never forget the wonderful times we had. I know we will have even more memories in the future, when I return... But it is important that I remember the past. It's time for me to turn around and gaze down memory lane. So I can record those precious moments and save them. The friends I made. Our crazy ideas, our strange adventures. The lessons we taught each other. The discussions we had, the words we took to heart... The jokes we told, the laughs we shared.These things are very important to me, especially my friends. I know it seems silly-- I'm not dying, or moving to a faraway place. And, well, maybe it is silly. But that's fine with me, you know? Gaze down memory lane with me...

Tonight I sit here. I sit and once again remember the walks to Holiday with Cha. When the wind would blow strong, and our hair would look ridiculous-- Mine was long then, too... Freezing to death on the walks in winter because I was too damn stubborn to put on a jacket. Yelling at each other to slow down, or to speed up. Pictures together. New Asia on finals day. Letting all our worries out. I sit and remember walking down those tall stairs with the sun in my eyes, pushing people out of my way to get down for that hug. And you were waiting. Keep waiting, okay, Cha?

Tonight I sit here. I sit and remember the times I've shared with Mai Xiong. The talks we've had, her crazy outbursts. Her confidence in herself, and in me. I remember her childhood good luck charm, that little piece of horn that I thought was so cool. Trying to figure out what "GPOV" stands for. Mai Xiong growing and maturing as a person. Her helping me grow and mature as a person. So many discussions and memories that I can't list them all. Talking about what pisses us off so bad and telling each other to "just calm down". We'll stay calm, right?

Tonight I sit here. I sit and remember Voe, Sandy, and Shoes. Our advisory crew. I remember "basketsballs", and drawing "Central Fighter". Shoes handing my ass to me in Yu-Gi-Oh. The advice me and Voe shared, "because we're friends and friends stand by each other, even if they're annoying". I remember drawing crazy awesome shit. Making fun of people on the news. I remember Ronal' Lomax, G', and big Ge. Ronald being too ghetto for his own good and being hilariously racist. Nerdy Street Fighter and Falcon Punch jokes. And that Boondocks thing. I'll be back, advisory. Don't call me gay, aight Ronald?

Tonight I sit here. I sit and remember my teachers. Maybe I didn't get the best grades. Maybe I didn't always pay attention. But they all taught me things. Things about science, english, and history... but more importantly, about life. Ms. Peifer and Ms. King believed in me 100%, even when I was leaving. I am so grateful. I remember Ms. Peifer helping me and Cha get that food. Ms. Peifer's janky microwave. TA-ing for her was a blast, even though I was mostly just a pain in the ass. Ms. S., thanks for always letting me stay after school even though I'd just sit there. I remember when me and Wendy just sat and washed beakers together that one day. It wasn't even that big of a deal and yet it sticks in my mind. I remember getting yelled at and kicked out by Ms. Fairchild all those times. Thanks for showing me I can't just get away with everything in life. I remember summer school with Brigger and Jordahl. They let me show myself I was really capable of working in school. Thanks. Mister Stepan, and how we "almost got shivved" during that racial argument in class. "Imagine me as a fiery black woman...", you once said. Thanks for making me enjoy that English class for a while. Getting yelled at in Chinese. Vowing to come back and show Huang Laoshi I'm not as lazy as I was before. I still hate Old Man Schluke, okay?

Tonight I sit here. I sit here and remember the lunch table. Jim. Tonny. May. Sally. Bao. Keng. Galistair. I remember mornings in that corner at the lockers. Making fun of the ghetto "kejdub", and the "kedge dubb giant". "It's my ___ in a box". I remember calling Jeff a pussy-whipped fag. Meeting Sally, and then Keng creeping her out. "Centra Quest", and how I'll finish it when we're 80 years old. May saying "what?" I really miss that one. I miss May not knowing what's going on. Being told I look like Bobby Lee by everyone and anyone. "Uh oh, hot dog". Tonny the single man and his girl advice. The ghetto Hmong people seat-jacking us at lunch. Abusive Ayla. Not getting bought at the auction even after all the signs! Rarely actually eating lunch. Dragging Jim with when I did. Fucking with Freeberg and him being a dick. Maria and Saray spontaneously making out at lunch. Yu-Gi-Oh at lunch and after school. Save my spot, yeah?

Tonight I sit here. I sit here and remember my daughter, Villai. Worrying about her. Watching over her in that "smoker phase". Telling her to stay away from boys. Coming to think of her as a real daughter to me, and someone I can tell anything. Being lovably abusive? Finding her a mother...hah! Toumong being a retarded cat. Meowing at him. Science class in general. Crazy black kids. Wanting ear plugs because of Vy. Growing to tolerate Vy and actually liking how loud she was. Eating my New Asia when Ms. S. told me not to. Dara in the back of class not giving a fuck. Stay away from boys for Daddy, okay Villai?

Tonight I sit here. I sit here and remember that girl. I remember how she told me "I know you can do it". How she made me believe in myself with that. Her being so exhausted from the stairs. Explaining the Chinese stuff when I was even more clueless than usual. How hard she worked. Her smile. Mai Xiong thinking it was weird I liked the girl, and how Mai will call me creepy for writing this part. Promising myself to return a better man for her. I'll do it, alright?!

Tonight I sit here. I sit here and wipe away the tears. They aren't tears of sorrow, or ones of joy. It's strange, I haven't felt this way before. I think that they are the tears of my memories. Memories I'll cherish. Memories I hope we will all cherish. I won't forget. I'll remember. But I won't dwell in the past. I gotta keep moving forward. You guys won't forget either... right?

"Don't walk down memory lane. Simply turn around and look back at it, then keep walking forward."-The Thinker, aka Kevin Seul

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The New Kid & The Stairs

Well, today was the first day of the school year, and my first day at Avalon. A difficult day for me, mentally. Regardless, I shall push onward and strive to complete the goals I have set myself.

Allow me to describe how odd and bizarre this place is, and how my day went... I'll start by describing the building itself. The inside seems like an old office building. Walking in there, you feel like some small business firm went bankrupt and the school just bought the building, removed the cubicles, and put in school tables. The whole building smells like an art class. Like, that smell of paints and clays and stuff? Weeiiiird.

Well, it's one of those schools where the teachers all go by first name. So I just don't use names because that's weird. It's pretty easy to text and stuff. It's weird project based work, where you log hours and a certain amount of hours is credits? I dunno how it works exactly.

It seems like a good 60-70% of the students are stoners. There's an alright looking white girl I talked to today, and she was one too. But I guess that's aight because like, most of them are at this place.

I do miss Central, a lot. So, Cha? I know you'll be reading this at some point. You be waiting at the bottom of those stairs. I'm not able to walk down em, but I'll be sure to give you a text at 2:03, that's about when you get there. :]


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wipe off the dust, open a new chapter on my birthday.

Well, it seems I haven't touched this in a while... Anyway, blog. Lemme get you up to date. I failed some of those finals I was telling you about a jillion years ago, so I'm gonna be headed to Avalon High as a Junior. I've sworn to get good grades and make up my credits, and also to get my ass in shape for my return to Central as a Senior. (That's right, I'll have abs and shit!)

So, what's new since last time? I went to summer school and had a fucking BLAST. My Yu-Gi-Oh deck proved strong, finally, and I passed all three classes. English was a B+. Imagine that! Me with a B+! Had some good times, learned a tiny bit of Hmong, and I think I matured a little bit. Oh, and I drew up the character select screen for "CENTRAL FIGHTER 2: SPIRIT OF THE WARRIOR". It was a big hit, hahahah! I won't forget that summer school morning spent with my daughter, either!

J4 tournament always is a helluva weekend in summer school. I went and saw the Goku Fobs*, hung out with Mary Xiong and her sisters, hung with Jeff and Keng and some other guys, and even ran into my sister. Oh, and Jeff broke up with his girlfriend. Touchy subject, but I was proud of the guy for being strong. We went and cheered up with some of that Hmong sausage.

Summer school was over and I spent a lot of time playing Final Fantasy X, Pokemon Platinum, and talking to girls on ;P Found some nice friends in them "Dachie" cousins. (Shout-out to Suburb Babe!) I also learned that telling people you're Korean on your page tends to attract Hmong girls like flies to honey. Not that it's surprising or anything.

I also went to Mai Xiong's "National American Miss (Junior Teen)" pageant this summer. I got dressed up, cheered for her (screaming "KICK SOME ASS, MAI XIONG~!" from the audience), met her mom and niece, and hung with everyone. I was very proud of Mai Xiong even though she didn't win that day! I also think it's improved her confidence as a person, which makes me very proud. She hasn't had to come to me for help or anything recently, and while I kind of miss it, I'm glad she's doing well.

So I got a new phone, a nice one. Which was extremely nice when I went to CHICAGO. :] Yep, CHICAGOOOO. I had a drum performance there. The heat and stress almost killed me, but I powered through and made for a helluva show at the Korean Festival. It was pretty fun, even if the hotel we stayed at kinda sucked. The bus rides to and from Chicago were a blast! There's tons of pictures I'm too lazy to upload. :]

I've changed a lot since school ended, since my last blog entry. I'm a different man, definitely, but I still have the same heart. I'm ready to work to return to Central, ready to improve myself as a person. I'm ready for almost anything now. I decided at the end of summer school that I can't look like this bummy fool anymore, either. If I want to be a changed man, I have to make physical changes to show it. So I got a haircut, got some non-bummy clothes, and have been keeping up on my shaving recently. Ohhhh yeah.

Anyway, sorry for making you read that long long shit. Here's to you, readers and friends!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Finals Tomorrow, Other Ramblings

Tomorrow is finals day. No doubt I'll do terrible on Geometry, and Chinese. I might do alright on English, Ancient Civ, and Biology, though. Hell, might even ace some of those ones.

But these next two days aren't just about final tests, man. They're about having two kickass last days as a Central sophomore! Two last kickass days of eating food after school! Two fuckin' awesome days, tests aside! And that party Tuesday at Como, too.

Now that the finals shit is out of my system, there's something that's been bothering me:
Girls saying "Guys need to love girls for who they are, not appearances."

I agree with that completely, but... Girls can be so hypocritical about that. They want some "hot" guy to see them for who they are. If some average guy like me likes who they are, it suddenly doesn't matter. Also, on the other side, you have them wanting hot guys to love their personality, but if the guy's not hot, his personality doesn't matter for shit.

I mean, it's the same for us guys. Or, at least, the nice guys. We just want a girl to like us for who we are. (The not-so-nice ones just want hot chicks to bang. Assholes.)

Feeling a little mood-swingy,
The Thinker

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nothing to say

I have nothing to say today. It's a calm day, and as such, I must remain calm. I should relax, I won't get a chance to do so at all next year.


Friday, June 5, 2009

The Path Ahead

(Been pretty busy, haven't had a chance to actually blog.)

In case you don't know, if I don't pass 3 classes this quarter, I'm leaving Central for Creative Arts High School.

Sophomore year is drawing to a close. I've learned a lot, and accomplished so little. New friends, strengthened bonds, and new wisdom. I know myself better than I ever have now. I learned what I really stand for, what I love. And yet because of my own inability to do what's necessary, I've failed myself.

The chances of me being at Central next year are currently about 1/100. I've accepted my fate--I know that I screwed myself over. Yes, I'll be back senior year. Yes, Creative Arts is close to Central. But it still feels like I'm gonna forever be an ocean away from the place I've come to know. But I gotta push harder now, for real this time. No bullshit, no lying to myself. I gotta work hard this time, for when I'm back.

It might sounds stupid that this is messing with me so much, especially because I'll be back and I'm not even gonna be far. I also probably sound real bratty, considering this is all my fault anyway. But you know what, that's fine. I'll be back.

It sucks that I won't be there to walk to Holiday with Cha, or to listen to Mai Xiong's ranting. It sucks that I won't be able to help friends with problems, or laugh with them on bright days. It sucks that we won't be able to run in the rain, or buy ice cream from the ghetto van after school together. But you know what sucks the most? Me not being able to do a simple task in order to stay here.

I'm gonna be back senior year. So save those walks, those rants. Deal with the problems, save the laughs. Save those rainy days, save a dollar for that ice cream. Because I'm gonna be back a better man.

"The path ahead is dark. I'll light the path, and be back someday."-my promise

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hello world.

This is my blog. Or, "TIMB". Getting technical, the title should be "This is my Blog, or TimB". But I digress.

Who am I? I'm just some high school kid who thinks too much. For the purposes of expressing my thoughts and my rantings, my name, race, age, appearance, IQ, and/or favorite brand of milk are irrelevant. (For now, at least. Perhaps later, they shall be involved in some ranting or raging of some sort.)

I throw conformity to the wind, for the most part. Which is great, because by being a total nonconformist, I simply become one of many people who don't conform. Oh, but I only am a nonconformist to a certain degree. I am unique, hooray! What all people strive for~!

Who is to tell me how often to blog, when to do it, how many times a day? Nobodyyyy. Once a week, once a year, five times a day, once a day? It doesn't really matter. I'll blog when I feel like it, my thoughts organizing in some strange and disorganized way on my monitor. Ooh, oxymoron.

And so I conclude this quaint introduction. To you the reader...

Think hard,